Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Possible first post ideas/topics

Ok here's the ideas I've had for the first topic on the blog.

The Resurrection, physical or purely spiritual

Historical veracity of the Gospel accounts

Purely for kicks and giggles, what would have happened if The Fall had never happened

Please vote via the comments or suggest a different one. I'll choose whatever seems the most popular by Saturday and get this whole shindig started


  1. As a Catholic I'm biased, but I think there could be an interesting discussion around the roll (or lack there of) of the Pope in non-Catholic Christianity.

  2. All right... I like the idea samannelizabeth posted... And I also think that "The Resurrection: physical or purely spiritual" is tied up in "The historical veracity of the Gospel accounts," because the gospels claim a bodily resurrection, so if they are (a) True, then we can only discuss the heresies which claimed spiritual resurrection (which would be false as they conflict with the Truth) and look at how they effected the the church. Or if people responding hold scripture is (b) historically false, well then we begin to question everything in it - not only if the resurrection was bodily or spiritual, but if it even happened at all.

  3. One question: what is a "spiritual" resurrection? :)
